Saturday, 18 March 2017

The Powerfilled - CHOICE (clarified)

 “CHOICE” – such a powerful word!!!
(Just a little upgrading of the thought that I typed in the previous blog.)
     It sounds so nice and it indeed is: choice – where I value the different options I have, give them the attention that is due and then I choose one which gives meaning to my life. Oh!, but stopping there, will not get me anywhere.

     The choice has to be made. Yes! And that too a wise one. We have got that part right. The most important part after making a proper choice is to be committed to it. Choice without a proper commitment is just a preference. Today, I choose this and tomorrow whoa, I choose that. But life isn’t lived this way. Moreover, when I choose to respond to God’s call; I choose to live it every day. I don’t intend to take a holiday from that choice. And what will really help me out there, is COMMITMENT. When I commit myself for that choice, all the other options just fade away. Now, you may say, “That goes bang opposite to what I wrote in the previous blog.” And that is where I received clarification. (Thanks to Fr. Vinod) 

     Let me explain, when you commit myself to the choice you make, all the other options that you have had fade away with proper attention having been given to them. Since you have already given them the attention that is due, and have chosen another over them, you have disempowered them. You have chosen something that is of meaning to you. You empower yourself because the choice resides in you. You will be free then. It is you who have made the choice. You can then create your future freely with a proper sense of responsibility. You thus become a creator.

     To cap it off: Choice without commitment is just dillydallying around. Be powerful. Commit yourself to the choice you make and live life to the full. 
Remember you are here for a purpose.
Find it.
Know it.
Realize it in your life.
Be committed to it.
And live it. 

Monday, 20 February 2017

The Powerfilled - CHOICE

 “The past is an illusion, the future is fiction; there is only now.”
Song: There is only now By Souls of Mischief.
 As I am nearing 24th May, 2017 – the day when I will profess to give my whole life to God, many questions and thoughts are continuously racing through my mind begging for my attention. Deep questions regarding the real purpose of my life, ‘what I should do with these gifts that He has given me,’ are waiting to be acknowledged by me. And I have realized that these won’t be satisfied with some superficial answers but real responses that have the power to change the course of my life and direct it in a particular direction. All along I was thinking that I am making a decision that would lead me to 24th May; and it was there that I went wrong.
A powerful reflection given by Marina Chechi helped me to clear some doubts and give a clear focus on my calling. And I would like to share it with you. She told me that my next step is not a decision but a choice. And I asked her, “What’s the difference?” Her words - Choice is powerful and a decision is not. The word ‘decide’ means ‘to kill’. (Another word to clear the meaning: ‘sui-cide’, it means ‘to kill oneself.’) So when I am making a decision, what I am really doing is killing all the other options and spearheading only towards one point. Well, I thought, that’s a good thing, isn’t it? Who would want to be distracted by the many options? Having a clear focus is wonderful, what do you say? But later on, I got the point. In killing all the other options, I am throwing them out of my attention. Since, I am not giving them the attention that they need, they somehow come up in my life in various ways and pull me down. And that slows down my progress. I am talking about my vocation here and the many options that I will be killing if I decide to go ahead with this attitude.
Choice Here I will value the different options I have, give them the attention that is due and then I make a choice for one which gives meaning to my life. This makes so many things simple and clear. I am not running away from anything. I become powerful as I give attention to the one thing that gives meaning to me. And I commit myself to that choice and live my life accordingly.
Back to the intro lyric:  The past is an illusion, the future is fiction; there is only now. The past is an illusion in the sense that I have no power over it. I have power over the present – the NOW. And with the choices that I make, I will CREATE my future. As only few days are left for that big day, I choose to live my days consciously with the help from God; Mary, my mother and with the support from my family and friends.
Go ahead. 
Make wise choices. 
You are powerful. 
Create your future. 

 God bless !!!