I want to share my personal
experience with you. It is not to play victim or to glorify myself. I was moved
to share this so that someone who is in a similar situation will benefit from
the same. After all, we are in this world to lift each other to be expressions
of the DIVINE.
I had this experience on Thursday,
28th Feb, 2019, i.e. last week. We usually have free time on Thursdays,
where we can go out for a walk. Somehow
when I reached my room after having a cup of tea, a feeling of loneliness
overtook me. (It is a rare phenomenon for me.) And I was wondering as to what I
am doing in my life in my present situation.
I had made a Personal Plan detailing
my Vision and my Mission. Sounds fantastic isn’t it? And yet I wasn’t making
much headway to become who I want to be. In that moment of loneliness, I
remembered my parents, my teachers, my friends, those who shaped me. In that
moment, when I felt that I had betrayed all of them by wasting my time, my
talents and my true self, I received consolation from up above. I was made to realize that I was focusing too much on
myself – Who I should be? What talents do I need to cultivate? What skills I need
to acquire? I was wrong. I was told and I fully agree with this - that my life
is not about me anymore. It is about all those whom I encounter in my life. I
had my Personal Plan outlined, yes. That’s good! I realised that that would be
a reality only when it is backed by emotion and conviction. All this while I was
only interested in becoming as I planned. That’s where the problem was. I was
only interested. I wasn’t committed to become my best version.

Today, I announce to the whole
world that I have formed or rather found my conviction that is backed by a strong
emotion of gratitude. My new ME awaits me. And I hope to complete Phase One by April
2, 2019.
My greatest realization from this
evening: What I am doing must be in line with the fullest expression of Who I
Really Am.
How awesome is God’s way of
Thank You very much.