Thursday 12 December 2013


Sitting on the terrace of a tall structure
I see plants, trees, birds, nests, buildings, towers, men and women.
A graceful wind blows
Leaves dance, they shimmer
Why? Even the paper on which I write flutters.
The breeze has a cooling effect on me,
Ruffling my hair as it brushes past.
Some leaves fall from their trees,
Birds fly to their nests.
I see humankind, men and women scurrying away in their motors.
BUSY? With what I intend to ask…
No time to enjoy the beauty that’s around
No time to feel the Love that’s always there.
O God what a mess we have here……I complain

But on a second thought, I say
It’s not their fault that this is the situation
And I thank God for bringing me here,
Giving me the opportunity to enjoy and just ‘BE.’

Lost in the enjoyment, with a calming smile on my face
I look, see and feel the caring hands of a Superior Being.
A beautiful little girl maybe of 10 or 11
Spots me high atop the building
With her sweet face, I could make out
That she too wanted to be here
And enjoy this experience.
She waves to me, I reciprocate
and in her innocence
Tugs at her dad’s sleeves and points at me.
Just a second of a glance gifted to me,
He bends down
And with a gentle smile, together with the child
Waves back to me
I thank God for making us
With hearts to love.
They search for me once again
When they are at the turn of the road

And then, are lost into the maze of life.

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