Wednesday 9 April 2014

The Challenge to be Human (2)

                    The 21st century can be rightly called a technocratic era. The uncried theme for this century is – Machines replacing men. 

Look at it from any angle; Work – efficiently done by machines, replacing manual labour; Communication – automated! Even love and friendship are brought under its mantle.

Two lovers (of post-romantic stage) or say friends, even when close to each other would prefer to log onto whatsapp and chat than to hold hands and talk. We all have time to glance over a text sent but no time to look into the eyes of a person crying for your presence. We all have time to read someone’s status but no heart to really ask and be with the person in reality.

See who have become our friends! People wearing masks??? Maybe, because we have more time for gadgets than for real people. Communication makes life easy, right? That’s correct! But what is the use communication without the meeting (atleast the intention of meeting) of two hearts?
Think about it!!!

Do something special today – Smile, shake hands, pat your friend's back and give a tight hug with a genuine and a sincere heart. This assurance will surely uplift that person with the hope that YES! No matter what you are there for him/her.

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