“The first rank goes to….” Surely, when the class teacher exclaims
these words as she announces the results, there will be three or five students,
with their heart in the mouth beating louder than the loudspeaker, waiting to
hear the next few words. These pupils will be imagining their name being
pronounced and the thunderous applause from the students following it. “Who
will it be?” What about the rest of the class? Yes, some will be eager to know
from whom to get the next party from. While some maybe just disinterested,
thinking that those privileged few are ‘out of their league.’ And few students
will be restless, wanting the teacher to finish it as quickly as possible so
that they may just rush out of the class.
One may find oneself or recollect
being in a situation discussed above. I have a question to ask you. Is it that
those who are called ‘rankers,’ are the intelligent ones? What do you say?
Another question, have you called or rather heard someone calling another
person as ‘stupid, idiot, and dumbo’? Think about it. Is it that these people
are not intelligent? Where will you put yourself? Do you consider yourself as
an intelligent person? Well, well, I have good news for you… You are
Yes, you are intelligent!!! You may
ask ‘How?’ Because there are different types of intelligence. As there are
different professions so too there are different types of intelligence. Each of
us is unique. We work in a specific way. The way we think, reflect, judge and
act are specific to us. We shall see the different types below.
(Please Note: 1}We have all the types of intelligences in us. Only
that some are stronger and some, we need to work on. 2}The points are taken
from ‘Multiple Intelligence Theory’ presented by Howard Gardner from Harvard

1* Linguistic Intelligence
ability to read, pen down your thought onto paper is derived from Linguistic
Intelligence. It helps one to play with words and communicate in a creative
manner. The ability to speak effectively and persuasively comes from this
intelligence. It includes people who enjoy solving crosswords, play with
anagrams, cryptograms and acronyms. Poets, orators, authors, journalists and
comedians are strong on this intelligence.
who are strong on Logico-Mathematical Intelligence have a great ability to
calculate and to reason out. Their mode of thinking is highly logical. They
prefer everything to be in order as they like to be very systematic. The
ability to put things in different categories is greatly enhanced in these
people. To solve puzzles, riddles, playing with numbers, reaching conclusions
logically followed from premises can be considered to be their hobby. These
skills are highly developed in accountants, economists, scientists, engineers
and detectives.
Intelligence empowers a person to think in terms of visual that is pictures- to
see their plan in action in their mind. They have a great ability to visualize
things and act accordingly. They get new ideas as they play with their
imagination and the fruit of such activity is creativity. They are not only
able to imagine but also to imagine in concrete space, which is an outcome of
their spatial ability. Architects, sculptors, photographers, strategic planners
and artists would be high on Visual-Spatial Intelligence.
you felt that certain songs touch your heart? Does it make a difference if the
same song is sung by two different people? Yes! Because some are high on
Musical Intelligence and some are not! Musical Intelligence buds forth in a
person with the ability to compose music. To sing songs well at the correct
speed, keep the rhythm, the tone and the pitch requires the use of Musical
Intelligence. Even to understand music and critically appreciate it calls for
Musical Intelligence. It includes sound engineers, composers, musicians and all
those who have a ‘ear for music.’

are hard, isn’t it? And a normal person has 206 bones in the body. Then how
come some dancers are so flexible? Have you thought about it? How can someone
lift his body to the height of 2.45m for a high jump, or throw his body 8.95m for
a long jump or for that matter carry his body 100m
in 9.58 seconds? Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
draws out the ability to use one’s body skillfully. It can be used on the stage
or on the screen to bring out emotions in another person and present new ideas.
Athletes, actors and dancers enjoy a high Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence.
the name suggest, this intelligence helps one to work effectively with others.
PR (Public Relations) skills are highly enhanced in these people. To be able to
relate with other people, to display empathy, to understand another person
together with their motivation and goals comes naturally to them. They include
therapists, teachers, religious leaders, facilitators, salespersons and
7* Intrapersonal Intelligence

the great philosopher once said, “An unexamined life is not worth living.” What
did he mean by that? Where do you want to go? What do you want to become? How
will you know this without knowing form where have you come from? They key to
make plans and set goals derive greatly from the ability for self-analysis and
reflection, which comes from Intrapersonal Intelligence. It helps a person to
be able to quietly contemplate and assess one’s accomplishments, to review
one’s behavior and inner most feelings. Many counselors, peak performers and philosophers orient their way of life by Intrapersonal Intelligence.
8* Naturalist Intelligence

you have any interest in seeing a butterfly coming out of its cocoon? Have you
tried a hand in planting trees? Some people can tell you how much manure a
certain tree needs or which soil is good for certain plants. These are the
people who have developed their Naturalist Intelligence. They are able to
recognize flora and fauna, the flow of seasons in connection with birds and
animals and to make consequential distinction in the natural world as in
hunting, farming or biological science. People of Naturalist Intelligence
include farmers, botanists, biologists and environmentalists.
may have never heard about this one. Take some time out and just think about this
question – Is there something called as co-incidence? Or is there something
more to it? Our champions who are high on Spiritual Intelligence have the
ability to relate to God, to pray, to recognize God in oneself, to see God in
nature and in one’s fellow being. They have a tremendous ability to trust and
to surrender oneself to God. These champions are the Saints and Holy people in
our religions.
As said earlier, all of us have these nine intelligences
developed in various degrees. We are people of various intelligences. To be
successful in life, all you have to do is know which type of intelligence is
strongest in you, put your heart in it and choose a suitable profession. In
other words – Do what you love to do. In doing so, always remember to think as
a person of action and to act as a person of thought.
So, you are intelligent!!! Now, what do you say?
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