Thursday 18 December 2014

A secret letter to God.............. my heartfelt gratitude to Him.


 Dear God,
With more than what
That makes one’s life happy
I thank thee, dear God
For generously blessing me.


With loving parents
And a superb bro
You nurtured me
Gushing my heart, with love, to flow.

You filled my life with dedicated teachers
You placed them as stars in the night sky
Yet within reach, which was frequent
You guided me, showed me the path to LOVE LIFE


Then you gave me the grace to hear your call
And with the greatest blessing of Our Wondrous Queen
Loving and firm; Mother and Warrior,
You both held my hand and made me a Man.

Interspersed with water vapor, as in a rainbow
Invisible, yet with the sole reason, for the magic of light
Just as the same for my meaningful life
Are the formators who gave me their precious effort and time.

An encouraging pat, a loving smile
A funny name that comes straight from the heart
Makes me feel so alive, and happy, and love lost
Grateful indeed for friends, whom I sincerely trust.

Silly things, that we might laugh on
Being there, especially in times of need
Like salt and spice that makes food tasty
Thanks God, for this fantabulous community

You gave me life on this special day
At the start of the novena for your coming
To prepare the Way for you dear Lord
May with many hearts, my mission be.

Thanks indeed for your many blessings,
Heart-touching encounters with people
with many soul-raising experiences
And especially for this wondrous life
Yes, life – L I F E
Love In Full-on Experience

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