Saturday 5 October 2013

Media and Religion

Focus : Has the Visual Media inspired a more spiritual, less institutionalized (religious) perspective in our culture?
Sample Group : 25 (Salesian Brothers – 7; Salesian Novices – 5; Capuchins – 3; 

Catholic:College Students - 10)
Introduction :
                       Media today has a wide ranging and powerful effect on the populace. No one can say that the Media has not touched their lives. It has affected all aspects and all walks of life, be it one’s relationships, family, prayer life, work, play, study and even leisure time. We are all surrounded by this great force that we call Media !!!
                        In this presentation, I will be presenting as to how the Visual Media has inspired a more spiritual and a less institutionalized (religious) perspective in our culture. For the same, I had conducted a survey taking 25 participants as the sample group (all of them youngsters, in the age group: 16-20 years)
       Survey Evaluation :
                         In the survey conducted 86% were aware of the many spiritual programs telecasted on the Television. Accordingly it was felt that many people view these services. These services play on one’s emotions and they create an effect which may be termed ‘spiritual.’ Whatever is the case, these effects are not enduring, that is they don’t last long.
                        Media today has changed the mindset of the youth in a drastic way. I now present the themes that frequently came out strongly in the survey:
1.   If one can watch spiritual programs at home, so why does one need to come to Church?
2.   One can communicate with God at home itself, so what place does the Church have?
3.   Preference of Gospel Programs than attending Mass.
4.   Listening to Spiritual songs, rather than praying by oneself in silence.
Role of the Church: 72% of the youngsters said that the Church has become redundant. There is much focus on rituals in the Church. There is a need felt for liveliness and creativity. Due to lack of keeping up with the times, services in the church has become boring and thus the youngsters are losing their interest. As compared to the Church services, the TV programs offer more lively services which is well appreciated.

Presence of the Blessed Sacrament: Although it was felt that services in the Church were not appealing and helping one to interact with God, 96% had no doubts as to the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Just is His presence, one could have an experience of the divine, it also helped them to unburden their sorrows and feel relaxed. The youngsters found a listener here, a real person to communicate with.

The Priest: 64% of the participants agreed that TV Programs are more effective than a Priest. Here effectivity, means the sermons preached. But at the same time, 88% asserted that the one cannot do away with priests because they have much to offer. The person of a priest offers a personal touch in the interaction, which one cannot get while being in touch with an online minister. Priest are very helpful because they are present in flesh and blood. They also know the people, their background and their life situations  with whom they speak and this helps a lot to understand one’s problem and be with the person.
Conclusion :

                        The Visual Media has indeed inspired a more spiritual and less institutionalized (religious) perspective in our culture. The institution that we speak of here is that of the Church built with stones and bricks. The media has also conscientized people of the Presence of God in our daily lives. It has also helped to reinforce the idea that God is not only to be found in the houses made of stones but in the hearts of all people. The youngsters do believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The importance of services in the church needs to be clarified as they are looked upon as empty rituals that doesn’t help one to have an experience of the divine. The role of a Priest is affirmed because one can have a personal relationship with a person who is visible and tangible. The Visual Media has cultivated a spiritual atmosphere that has opened lines of communication with God everywhere and anywhere (although it existed earlier, the media has made it stronger).

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