Tuesday 8 October 2013

Production Particulars:
·         Producers –
o   Akshay Kumar
o   Paresh Rawal
o   Ashvini Yardi
o  Rajesh Bhatt (executive producer)
o   Mudit Vinayak (creative producer)
·         Director – Umesh Shukla
·         Script writer – Bhavesh Mandalia and Umesh Shukla
·         Actors –
o   Akshay Kumar as Krishna Vasudev Yadav
o   Paresh Rawal as Kanji Lalji Mehta
o   Mithun Chakraborty as Leeladhar Maharaj
o   Om Puri as Hanif Bhai
·         Musical score – Himesh Reshammiya
·         Production year – 2012
Plot Analysis:
            Kanji Mehta is an atheist, who owns an antique shop. For him, God and religion are nothing more than a business proposition. God is the biggest money spinner for him. His wife, on the other hand, is a completely different story. She is as devout as one can be. Kanji’s life is suddenly thrown off gear when an earthquake hits the entire city. It causes the destruction of only one shop in the entire city... Kanji's shop!!! All his neighbours blame it on his atheism that led to God’s wrath, but he remains undisturbed and hatches a plan of getting money from the insurance company. But this happiness is short lived because the company doesn’t recognize this particular clause citing the earthquake as “the act of God.” The insurance company invokes this act of God and promptly rejects the claim saying that 'earth-quake' is not a man made phenomenon, it can only be brought on by an 'act of god'.
Frustrated, Kanji decides to file a case against God that if God is responsible then he must compensate him for his losses. Kanji sends legal notices to the various high priests and heads of various religious sects. The news spreads like wild fire that a mad man has made a mockery of religion and law alike. In the court, Kanji argues his own case, because no one was ready to put God on trial. The proceedings begin, the lawyers look down on Kanji, Priests are dismissive, and Kanji is earnest and persuasive. To everyone's disbelief, the judge leans towards Kanji, after all it is the question of survival for an individual and he admits the case. After this a mob attacks Kanji, who is on the run. Just as Kanji begins to lose ground, a man enters, riding majestic on his flaming bike, he swoops Kanji off the road straight on his bike, and speeds off. The man introduces himself... his name is Krishna Vasudev Yadav.

What follows is a journey of self realization and legal masterstrokes. The second hearing comes up and Kanji is at his argumentative best. The lawyers and the priests alike are stumped and sometimes even embarrassed. Whether Kanji’s atheism loses its battle in front of the nations belief or he comes out victorious with his insurance money follows through the rest of the plot.
Type of film: ‘Oh My God’ is a Hindi satirical comedy drama film.
Technical Analysis: The Camera work with its close ups and long shots do well as it captivates the audience and makes them participate in the movie. When it comes to acting Paresh Rawal, Akshay Kumar and Mithun Chakraborty have gone into the shoes of their characters making the movie lively. Also the acting suits the script, the actors keep mesmerize the audience with their witting remarks that touch both the heart and also the rational mind.
Sociological Analysis: The philosophy behind the movie is that God is alive and present with us every moment. That God is one, we may call Him with different names. The problems portrayed are those of superstitions, religion as business and the gullibility of the common people who accept everything that comes from some authority. Though it is straight forward (which some may find it hurting) the movie is morally sound. It may have a negative effect on people who are still seeking for their identity. The social implication is that people may all together stop believing in tradition and land nowhere. In search of real relationship with God, they may find themselves doubting the presence of God. (Because all don’t have the privilege of meeting God face to face, which is all that people are wanting.)
Education through the film: The film has a lot to offer when it comes to morality. It affirms that morality is not to be lived from the dimension of fear but with that of conviction. It also widens our perspective saying that we are all children of God; that our loved ones are not only those who belong to our biological family, but all who belong to humankind. We are all brothers and sisters in the same God. God is not to be approached in an exchange offer, or in temples and idols with the intention of gaining something. God does not seek offerings or material things in appeasement, He is asking us to open our eyes and see His presence in the people around us. That is the way of happiness, living life in loving relationship with all.
Critical Evaluation:
1.       1)What is the purpose of this film?
The primary purpose of this movie is to make money (the film roped in Rs.782.4 million in India and in overseas - Rs.104.5 million) The secondary purpose is also to conscientize the people that all of us are brothers and sisters in the one God whom we call by different names.

2.      2)  What does the film communicate to the audience about God?
The film comes out loudly saying that there is one God who is living in our midst, not in statues but in nature, in all of us and He is present everywhere, all around us. God is all loving, all knowing and all powerful. He gives us space to think and live our lives. He has given us freedom.

3.      3)  Do you agree about the concept of God and religion presented in this film?
I do agree with the concept of God presented in the movie. But the concept of religion is questionable to me. Religion what it is today may be corrupted, but religion is just one of the ways to reach God (not that it is absolutely necessary) For those who begin it is a help, and one must not take away this service that long standing traditions have handed down.

4.     4)   Why do you think the protagonist has an atheistic view of reality?
Firstly the protagonist is in an environment surrounded by devotees who are caught up in rituals trying to appease God, also his business is that of selling idols which he thinks is nothing but metal. He also lacks an experience of the divine, his rationality gives no place to God thenceforth.
5.       5) What implications do media and religion have for each other in this film?

The media is shown very powerfully as the propagator of religion. In the movie as religion is made a business, media has a hand in it for marketing. Religion in the movie instead of spreading true faith among the devotees, uses the media for publicity thus having the sole purpose of looting money. 

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