Sunday, 15 December 2013

Mary, Our Loving Mother

I shall begin with a small story:
One day, a very wealthy man was walking on the road. Along the way, he saw a beggar on the sidewalk. The rich man looked kindly on the beggar and spoke with him. The beggar said, "You look like a rich man. Sir, if you'll give me a job, I'll stop begging." The rich man smiled and said, "I want to help you. But I won't give you a job.  I'll do something better. I want you to be my business partner. Let's start a business together.” The beggar blinked hard. He didn't understand what the older man was saying. "What do you mean, Sir?” “I own a rice plantation. You could sell my rice in the market. I'll provide you the sacks of rice. I'll pay the rent for the market stall. All you'll have to do is sell my rice. And at the end of the month, as Business Partners, we'll share in the profits. Tears of joy rolled down his cheeks. "Oh Sir," he said, "you're a gift from Heaven. You're the answer to my prayers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
He then paused and said, Sir, how will we divide the profits? Do I keep 10% and you get the 90%? Do I keep 5% and you get the 95%? I'll be happy with any arrangement. The rich man shook his head and chuckled. "No, I want you to give me the 10%. And you keep the 90%. For a moment, the beggar couldn't speak. He couldn't believe his ears. The rich man laughed loudly. He explained, I don't need the money, my friend. I'm already wealthy beyond what you can ever imagine. I want you to give me 10% of your profits so you grow in gratitude.” The beggar knelt down before his benefactor and said, “Yes Sir, I will do as you say. Even now, I'm so grateful for what you've done for me!”
He worked very hard. He woke up early in the morning and slept late at night. And sales were brisk, also because the rice was of good quality. And after 30 days, the profits were astounding. At the end of the month, as the ex-beggar was counting the money, and liking very much the feeling of money in his hands, an idea grew in his mind. He told himself, “Why should I give 10% to my Business Partner? I didn't see him the whole month! I was the one who was working day and night for this business. I did all this work!  I deserve the 100% profits! A few minutes later, the rich man was knocking on the door. The ex-beggar opened the door and said, "You don't deserve the 10%. I worked hard for this. I deserve all of it!" And he slammed the door on his face.
Let us replay the whole story keeping the Lord as the generous rich man and put ourselves in the place of the poor man. (Pause)
We have all gathered here during the Novena of the Immaculate Conception, ie our own Mother Mary. Many lofty titles that are attributed to our Lady crossed my mind. But there is one title, no! not a title, it is something that I have grown to believe, it is something close to my heart, it is THE TRUTH that Mary is my Mother, OUR MOTHER. Somehow I like to look at her as a human being, just like us. It is certain that she lived with the God-Man Jesus. And on occasions she perhaps said: “Hey Jesus! Eat your food on time; It’s raining outside, it’s better not to go outside now; Go wash yourself and come.” She carried Jesus in her arms, kissed his tears away, cleaned his wounds…all that a mother would do for her child.
            Although She was a human being, a woman; She was blest with grace, rather - filled with grace. When God came to ask for just 10%, she readily gave her 100% - placing her complete trust in His hands. In doing so, She becomes a model for us. All of us present here have said “Yes” to His plan for us, that’s the reason we are all here. We are all growing in this response in many ways. (And you know what!) Jesus on the Cross, asked His Mother to be our Mother. She in Her humility and in Her greatness fulfilled His wish. She is with us now, individually and personally, always by our side. She walks with us in this journey, in this pilgrimage, ever lending a guiding hand. It is up to us to take out our hands from our pockets and put them in her hand as a loving child would do.
            I feel very special when I think of Her presence with me. Jesus in the Parable of the Lost Coin, alludes to our place and relationship with God. Each one of us has made mistakes – some great, some small, some knowingly, some unknowingly. This parable touched me when I heard this interpretation. The lost coin was of very little value. Today it would be about 25 paise, what we call charanna. We are also like this, all of us charannas, but note the greatness of our God. He has given away His diamond – His Mother - for all of us charannas. Moreover He rejoices when we return to Him, He wants us to come back to Him, and that is the reason He has sent us help, in the form of our Loving Mother. Such is the merciful and tender heart of God, readily made visible in the gift of His mother.
Yes Our Lady, Mary (whatever title you want to give Her) She is our Mother!!! Don Bosco said, “Every boy who comes to a Salesian House is brought by Our Lady.” He, himself asked Our Lady to be his Mother, to be the Mother of all those in the Oratory. He assures us of Her presence in our life.
As we journey to be signs and bearers of God’s love to the young, let us make the most of our time in formation. It is a time of gestation to nurture Christ and give birth to Him in all our actions, words and most of all in the life which we live. To whom shall we ask for guidance than our loving Mother who Herself bore the Son of God?
Let us spend a moment in silence - praying to God, our Father, thanking Him for the gift of Our Mother and also asking for the grace to realize Her loving presence in our lives.

-Nelson Mudaliar

Thursday, 12 December 2013


Sitting on the terrace of a tall structure
I see plants, trees, birds, nests, buildings, towers, men and women.
A graceful wind blows
Leaves dance, they shimmer
Why? Even the paper on which I write flutters.
The breeze has a cooling effect on me,
Ruffling my hair as it brushes past.
Some leaves fall from their trees,
Birds fly to their nests.
I see humankind, men and women scurrying away in their motors.
BUSY? With what I intend to ask…
No time to enjoy the beauty that’s around
No time to feel the Love that’s always there.
O God what a mess we have here……I complain

But on a second thought, I say
It’s not their fault that this is the situation
And I thank God for bringing me here,
Giving me the opportunity to enjoy and just ‘BE.’

Lost in the enjoyment, with a calming smile on my face
I look, see and feel the caring hands of a Superior Being.
A beautiful little girl maybe of 10 or 11
Spots me high atop the building
With her sweet face, I could make out
That she too wanted to be here
And enjoy this experience.
She waves to me, I reciprocate
and in her innocence
Tugs at her dad’s sleeves and points at me.
Just a second of a glance gifted to me,
He bends down
And with a gentle smile, together with the child
Waves back to me
I thank God for making us
With hearts to love.
They search for me once again
When they are at the turn of the road

And then, are lost into the maze of life.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Of any use???


I look at the sky
and see the fiery ball
glowing, shining, radiating
and flooding my view with light.
I turn my head and see the greenery around,
calming my mind and filling my soul with peace.
A dragonfly whizzes past me,
my attention it now possesses.
A second here fluttering, then a nanosecond of waiting
and in a flash at another place there.

A shadow casts itself on the ground
and I look up – a magnificent cluster of clouds,
With the light of the sun adding to their majesty.
Brilliant forms emerging or rather outgrowing
with the playing contrast of white and its darker partners
its beauty increased due its romance with the sun.

A moment of stay with its continous drifting
and with its bulky form trying to veil its lover
and thus are born the captivating and enrapturing fingers of God.
For no true love can be hidden,
it’ll always and yes! everytime bloom forth.

Hey! Wait a second!
The cloud changes its form
and with time just vanishes, passes on into nothingness.
the sun sets,
the green grass withers
and the dragonfly leaves no sign behind.

then I wonder- what are clouds made up of!
But why do I need to know that?
My thought jumps around and it asks – What was the use of the cloud?
It’s frantic attitude pounces on me – What good did it bring about?
And from the stillness of my heart
a voice booms forth…JUST BE !!!

I couldn’t understand
But it never asked me to understand……
Then the realization dawned on me
and my thoughts took up their reins once again….
The clouds were not present to be of any use
they were JUST TO BE !
the sun in its celebration of ‘TO BE’ throws off light,
as a joyous explosion of greeness, the grass sways in its ‘TO BE.’
and the dragonfly dances to the tune of life, expressing the same.

Why is human life brushed with sorrow?
Because of UTILITY…….
What am i? Who am i? Of what use am i?
These masking questions once settled….
And the different clothing of faces removed,
We  shall just be,
our presence here, our life here
will be a dance with utmost joy
as God expressed himself ‘I am.’

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Production Particulars:
·         Producers –
o   Akshay Kumar
o   Paresh Rawal
o   Ashvini Yardi
o  Rajesh Bhatt (executive producer)
o   Mudit Vinayak (creative producer)
·         Director – Umesh Shukla
·         Script writer – Bhavesh Mandalia and Umesh Shukla
·         Actors –
o   Akshay Kumar as Krishna Vasudev Yadav
o   Paresh Rawal as Kanji Lalji Mehta
o   Mithun Chakraborty as Leeladhar Maharaj
o   Om Puri as Hanif Bhai
·         Musical score – Himesh Reshammiya
·         Production year – 2012
Plot Analysis:
            Kanji Mehta is an atheist, who owns an antique shop. For him, God and religion are nothing more than a business proposition. God is the biggest money spinner for him. His wife, on the other hand, is a completely different story. She is as devout as one can be. Kanji’s life is suddenly thrown off gear when an earthquake hits the entire city. It causes the destruction of only one shop in the entire city... Kanji's shop!!! All his neighbours blame it on his atheism that led to God’s wrath, but he remains undisturbed and hatches a plan of getting money from the insurance company. But this happiness is short lived because the company doesn’t recognize this particular clause citing the earthquake as “the act of God.” The insurance company invokes this act of God and promptly rejects the claim saying that 'earth-quake' is not a man made phenomenon, it can only be brought on by an 'act of god'.
Frustrated, Kanji decides to file a case against God that if God is responsible then he must compensate him for his losses. Kanji sends legal notices to the various high priests and heads of various religious sects. The news spreads like wild fire that a mad man has made a mockery of religion and law alike. In the court, Kanji argues his own case, because no one was ready to put God on trial. The proceedings begin, the lawyers look down on Kanji, Priests are dismissive, and Kanji is earnest and persuasive. To everyone's disbelief, the judge leans towards Kanji, after all it is the question of survival for an individual and he admits the case. After this a mob attacks Kanji, who is on the run. Just as Kanji begins to lose ground, a man enters, riding majestic on his flaming bike, he swoops Kanji off the road straight on his bike, and speeds off. The man introduces himself... his name is Krishna Vasudev Yadav.

What follows is a journey of self realization and legal masterstrokes. The second hearing comes up and Kanji is at his argumentative best. The lawyers and the priests alike are stumped and sometimes even embarrassed. Whether Kanji’s atheism loses its battle in front of the nations belief or he comes out victorious with his insurance money follows through the rest of the plot.
Type of film: ‘Oh My God’ is a Hindi satirical comedy drama film.
Technical Analysis: The Camera work with its close ups and long shots do well as it captivates the audience and makes them participate in the movie. When it comes to acting Paresh Rawal, Akshay Kumar and Mithun Chakraborty have gone into the shoes of their characters making the movie lively. Also the acting suits the script, the actors keep mesmerize the audience with their witting remarks that touch both the heart and also the rational mind.
Sociological Analysis: The philosophy behind the movie is that God is alive and present with us every moment. That God is one, we may call Him with different names. The problems portrayed are those of superstitions, religion as business and the gullibility of the common people who accept everything that comes from some authority. Though it is straight forward (which some may find it hurting) the movie is morally sound. It may have a negative effect on people who are still seeking for their identity. The social implication is that people may all together stop believing in tradition and land nowhere. In search of real relationship with God, they may find themselves doubting the presence of God. (Because all don’t have the privilege of meeting God face to face, which is all that people are wanting.)
Education through the film: The film has a lot to offer when it comes to morality. It affirms that morality is not to be lived from the dimension of fear but with that of conviction. It also widens our perspective saying that we are all children of God; that our loved ones are not only those who belong to our biological family, but all who belong to humankind. We are all brothers and sisters in the same God. God is not to be approached in an exchange offer, or in temples and idols with the intention of gaining something. God does not seek offerings or material things in appeasement, He is asking us to open our eyes and see His presence in the people around us. That is the way of happiness, living life in loving relationship with all.
Critical Evaluation:
1.       1)What is the purpose of this film?
The primary purpose of this movie is to make money (the film roped in Rs.782.4 million in India and in overseas - Rs.104.5 million) The secondary purpose is also to conscientize the people that all of us are brothers and sisters in the one God whom we call by different names.

2.      2)  What does the film communicate to the audience about God?
The film comes out loudly saying that there is one God who is living in our midst, not in statues but in nature, in all of us and He is present everywhere, all around us. God is all loving, all knowing and all powerful. He gives us space to think and live our lives. He has given us freedom.

3.      3)  Do you agree about the concept of God and religion presented in this film?
I do agree with the concept of God presented in the movie. But the concept of religion is questionable to me. Religion what it is today may be corrupted, but religion is just one of the ways to reach God (not that it is absolutely necessary) For those who begin it is a help, and one must not take away this service that long standing traditions have handed down.

4.     4)   Why do you think the protagonist has an atheistic view of reality?
Firstly the protagonist is in an environment surrounded by devotees who are caught up in rituals trying to appease God, also his business is that of selling idols which he thinks is nothing but metal. He also lacks an experience of the divine, his rationality gives no place to God thenceforth.
5.       5) What implications do media and religion have for each other in this film?

The media is shown very powerfully as the propagator of religion. In the movie as religion is made a business, media has a hand in it for marketing. Religion in the movie instead of spreading true faith among the devotees, uses the media for publicity thus having the sole purpose of looting money. 

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Media and Religion

Focus : Has the Visual Media inspired a more spiritual, less institutionalized (religious) perspective in our culture?
Sample Group : 25 (Salesian Brothers – 7; Salesian Novices – 5; Capuchins – 3; 

Catholic:College Students - 10)
Introduction :
                       Media today has a wide ranging and powerful effect on the populace. No one can say that the Media has not touched their lives. It has affected all aspects and all walks of life, be it one’s relationships, family, prayer life, work, play, study and even leisure time. We are all surrounded by this great force that we call Media !!!
                        In this presentation, I will be presenting as to how the Visual Media has inspired a more spiritual and a less institutionalized (religious) perspective in our culture. For the same, I had conducted a survey taking 25 participants as the sample group (all of them youngsters, in the age group: 16-20 years)
       Survey Evaluation :
                         In the survey conducted 86% were aware of the many spiritual programs telecasted on the Television. Accordingly it was felt that many people view these services. These services play on one’s emotions and they create an effect which may be termed ‘spiritual.’ Whatever is the case, these effects are not enduring, that is they don’t last long.
                        Media today has changed the mindset of the youth in a drastic way. I now present the themes that frequently came out strongly in the survey:
1.   If one can watch spiritual programs at home, so why does one need to come to Church?
2.   One can communicate with God at home itself, so what place does the Church have?
3.   Preference of Gospel Programs than attending Mass.
4.   Listening to Spiritual songs, rather than praying by oneself in silence.
Role of the Church: 72% of the youngsters said that the Church has become redundant. There is much focus on rituals in the Church. There is a need felt for liveliness and creativity. Due to lack of keeping up with the times, services in the church has become boring and thus the youngsters are losing their interest. As compared to the Church services, the TV programs offer more lively services which is well appreciated.

Presence of the Blessed Sacrament: Although it was felt that services in the Church were not appealing and helping one to interact with God, 96% had no doubts as to the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Just is His presence, one could have an experience of the divine, it also helped them to unburden their sorrows and feel relaxed. The youngsters found a listener here, a real person to communicate with.

The Priest: 64% of the participants agreed that TV Programs are more effective than a Priest. Here effectivity, means the sermons preached. But at the same time, 88% asserted that the one cannot do away with priests because they have much to offer. The person of a priest offers a personal touch in the interaction, which one cannot get while being in touch with an online minister. Priest are very helpful because they are present in flesh and blood. They also know the people, their background and their life situations  with whom they speak and this helps a lot to understand one’s problem and be with the person.
Conclusion :

                        The Visual Media has indeed inspired a more spiritual and less institutionalized (religious) perspective in our culture. The institution that we speak of here is that of the Church built with stones and bricks. The media has also conscientized people of the Presence of God in our daily lives. It has also helped to reinforce the idea that God is not only to be found in the houses made of stones but in the hearts of all people. The youngsters do believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The importance of services in the church needs to be clarified as they are looked upon as empty rituals that doesn’t help one to have an experience of the divine. The role of a Priest is affirmed because one can have a personal relationship with a person who is visible and tangible. The Visual Media has cultivated a spiritual atmosphere that has opened lines of communication with God everywhere and anywhere (although it existed earlier, the media has made it stronger).

Friday, 4 October 2013


People say: “Have Faith!!!” and then, “I have faith!!!” I often wondered what is it that they really mean by that. Well, an experience altered my thinking when I met a lady during the play that we staged ‘Keep the faith!’ It was in this encounter that I powerfully felt the Hand of God working both for me and also for her.
My reflections from this small but valuable exchange:
·         God is a person not out there, but here in “you” and in “me.”
·         Often only in troubled times, do we think of the person of GOD,
Can’t we just thank Him for our happy moments?
·         If we really open our eyes, we will never stop being grateful.
·         Having faith, is trusting in a person, being in a relationship
Not with some abstract entity but with your friend, who is always beside you,
even at the times when you ignore Him, when you insult Him
and also when you want Him to go away.

Do you want to know what FAITH is? Have a friend !!!
Make GOD your friend………or rather…….You become His friend………..

(this article is left incomplete because it will be rewritten after your decision.)